Just Friday, I heard David Brooks,
conservative New York Times columnist, call the Republican budget a "...well, to be frank, a joke..." Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell says he smells victory. In the next elections, it will the Republicans who march back to power. And what exactly are the Republicans triumphantly offering us?
Here's Sen. Judd Gregg: "We believe you create prosperity by having an affordable government that pursues its responsibilities without excessive costs, taxes or debt..."
For 30 years, and in the last decade especially, Republicans got their way. Did they reduce government?
No. They expanded it. Not only that, they poured hundreds of billions of dollars into nation building. Costs? Skyrocketed. Taxes? They went up. By cynically passing off federal taxation to the state and municipal level they forced local taxes to increase nationwide. By defunding the country's infrastructure, we now have a critical mess to clean up.
Our tax money is being poured into Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, AIG, Swiss UBS, England's Barclay's, rentention bonuses, executive bonuses, etc... This is the Republican legacy, and we're paying for and
will be paying for it for years to come.
And now, to hear Republicans, like a bunch of chicken littles, running around crying socialism, big-government, socialism, taxes, debt, socialism, big-government, socialism, taxes, debt, socialism, big-government, socialism, taxes, debt...
It's more than the back can bear...
Health Care - Every member of Congress recieves government-run, socialized health-care paid for by our taxes. Good enough for them, but not good enough for us?
Gregg says: "We also believe you improve everyone's health care not by nationalizing the
health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to
quality health insurance and choices in health care."
Really? And that would be why Gregg is covered by government health care, at tax payer expense? He seems to like it...
Big Government - If the government doesn't assume the role of governing, then somebody else will. Enron, AIG, Bear Stearns, etc... and didn't
they do a good job?
Gregg: "It is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government."
Government is of the people, by the people, for the people, but then the Gregg probably isn't familiar with that document.
Taxes - The Republican borrow & spend strategy of governing only passes on
debt to the next administration - raising taxes on all of us. It's much cheaper to maintain a bridge, than to rebuild it. It's much cheaper to educate your children than imprison them.
Taxes educate our children. Taxes keep us out of debt.
maintain the health of our infrastructure.
Under Republican governance, our children are undereducated, our country's debt is owned by the Chinese and our infrastructure is collapsing.