Saturday, June 28, 2008

Time capsule

I am adding this little video as a time capsule to reflect on in the future for entertainment purposes. I have a regular discussion with an off-the-charts- Konservative friend who sounds like a Limbaugh talking point broken record. I have told him many times that the only thing Rush will be remembered as in 50 years is "the guy who lied continuously about global warming". I ask my friend why he doesn't believe that mankind is causing global warming, but he can't give an answer. He doesn't understand the first thing about the issue. He merely assumes that since Rush is so certain that it is a hoax, then there must therefore be a good reason for him to believe so. No need to look at the data. I tell him that 2+2=4 and he says that this is just my opinion. I say, no really it does, I know it does, and he says -well, I just disagree.

If you know anything at all about this issue, you will find this video strikingly dumb. If you aren't absolutely bowled over by the sheer magnitude of stupidity involved with these statements, you can find each of his talking points refuted here by the actual facts- 12 global warming myths.

These 12 myths are repeated again and again and again by talk radio misinformationists and disinformers. They can never be bothered by the facts. They never provide the entire story. Their entire case is half-truths, distortions and outright lies. They simply rest assured that the outright lazy ignorance of their audience will carry the day.

Today I heard Hush Bimbo say something true (no really). He was talking about how James Hansen of Nasa was desiring to bring oil companies to justice who were knowingly misinforming the public. Bimbo took the blame, and said that he was in fact mostly to blame for misleading the public on the issue, not the oil companies. "I hope I get subpoenaed" he said. Scooter Libby crossed my mind.


Anonymous said...

I listen to the Diane Rehm show most mornings when I work. She interviewed George Will last week & asked him about Global Warming -- and guessed what popped out of the man's mouth.

MYTH #1.

And how. Not only did he repeat it, but he exaggerated the myth by claiming that scientists were as vociferous then, for global cooling, as they are now, for global warming.

Talk about a complete fabrication!

If it didn't concern something as important as climate change, I might give the guy a break. But such a statement betrays an astonishing level of ignorance on behalf of a self-styled intellect.

Anonymous said...

Here's another site exposing George Will's willful ignorance on the subject.

Aaron said...

It really is amazing how much play #1 gets despite being completely false. It was a media story, but never a science concensus. Global warming was still far more prevalent as theory at that time. #1 gives someone who knows nothing about the science a way to talk about something other than the science. Its a good segue into politics- where untestable opinions reign.

The other attack is in saying "why isn't there more debate about it from opposing views" by people who don't know a thing about science. Just the simple fact that a theory is successful- meaning it is still alive and still exists after these decades it has been around- means that it has already been attacked from all sides by knowledgeable people and it has one has ever been in. If it had lost any, it would be dead.

Concensus? Everyone who is of any importance in climate science agrees. All that's left is conspiracy theories.

This is a case where the media's constant allusions to contraversy have created a public misconception that there is a contraversy. The Konservative blowhards have brainwashed their listeners ad nauseum for years about the issue and won't back down despite calls from republicans and other conservatives to drop back and punt. It isn't a partisan issue anymore.

Anonymous said...

have noticed some real global warming just today. I think it's called "summer," but doubt it's the same kind of change which melted the last several ice ages. That was due to something known as the "procession of the equinoxes" which can only be found in the mumblings of retards, sterno bums, or a common google search.

Don't know which is funnier to me: the arrogance of our short sighted science, or the mind numb & rabid yard dogs who believe in it's infallibility. It wasn't too long ago when our science scoffed at the idea of "germs," a time when doctors operated on live people right after noodling cadavers w/o washing their hands. Germs! HA!
There is no EVIDENCE of GERMS!
If there were such a thing, our scientists would surely know!

I just want enough life left to see what kind of weirdass data pops out of the LHC when they finally crank that sucker up to full power (about 4 years from now)
I want to see the arrogance wiped off the faces of the pinheads who think they know everything about everything based on sliderule conclusions and consensus from a bunch of labcoat wearing squinty eyed geeks.

Aaron said...

"Don't know which is funnier to me: the arrogance of our short sighted science, or the mind numb & rabid yard dogs who believe in it's infallibility."

How about the arrogance of someone who knows virtually nothing about science pulling already debunked conclusions out of their ass and claiming that those who disagree are "insane"?

"It wasn't too long ago when our science scoffed at the idea of "germs," a time when doctors operated on live people right after noodling cadavers w/o washing their hands. Germs! HA!
There is no EVIDENCE of GERMS!
If there were such a thing, our scientists would surely know!"

It also wasn't too long since we sequenced the human genome, landed a probe securely onto a specific crater on Mars, created a device to store an entire music library on the palm of your hand, and developed a search engine so powerful it could deliver millions of porn site hits within milliseconds.

"I want to see the arrogance wiped off the faces of the pinheads who think they know everything about everything based on sliderule conclusions and consensus from a bunch of labcoat wearing squinty eyed geeks."

You seem to think that atomic theory is true for some reason. You know there's a concensus about that too. I'm surprised you still believe in it. It's just a theory afterall, and some scientists surely have their doubts!

For a long time I've wanted to see the arrogance wiped off the faces of those who think they know more than these scientists without having to use sliderules, computers, or effort of any kind to come to their system of beliefs. But i've given up. Because no matter how consistently wrong these types of people are, they never seem to realize it. They do not know that they do not know. Thanks for more comedy.

Anonymous said...

//I just want enough life left to see what kind of weirdass data pops out of the LHC when they finally crank that sucker up to full power (about 4 years from now)//

Not sure what *you* are expecting, but if scientists already knew what they were going to see, then there would be no need to build it. So I'm not sure what your point is?

The whole point if the LHC is to learn something new, even if that means confirming this or that hypothesis.

Aaron said...

I don't believe in science. All those little particles are illusions. There's no evidence for them, none that I can understand anyways, therefore it must all be made up. The scientists are just trying to socialize the world by using taxpayer monies to create these expensive experiments which do nothing to put money in my pocket.

upinVermont said...

//which do nothing to put money in my pocket.//

You must have meant "money in *their* pocket"?

Science is only about making money, unlike the basilica, or religious institutions in general.

Aaron said...

It's always the same with these scientist freaks. Can you observe evolution? No! And the leftist establishment has blocked any and all Lamarckian counterarguments.

Can you guarantee me that this summer will be warmer than any other summer in history? No. 1998 was the hottest year on record and 1001-2005 were hotter than any other year in the 1990s other than 1998, but if every year isn't cartoonishly hotter than the one prior it perfectly debunks GW. If the trajectory for warming this century isn't perfectly linear and en route for a 50C increase by the end of the century, then there just isn't *any* evidence for GW at all worth bothering with.

Checkmate liberals. Until my bung hole is underwater or on fire, you have no evidence AT ALL!

And nobody has ever even seen a quark or an electron. They just magically *assume* these things exist. Science is just pure faith in the unseen. We know *nothing* about neutrons and protons and how they split and release energy, nothing!